
HVCA Statisztikák 2023

HVCA Investment Monitoring Report FY 2023

HVCA Investment Monitoring Report FY 2023

(332KB | pdf)

We are happy to announce the tenth edition of the annual Investment Monitoring Report that is an analysis of the Hungarian Venture Capital and Private Equity market’s performance in 2023 prepared by the Hungarian Venture Capital Association in collaboration with EY.

Highlights (Market Statistics):
Number of Investments: 115
Total Capital Invested (Million EUR): 105.4
Number of Divestments: 27
Total Divestment Value (Million EUR):10.3


HVCA Investment Monitoring Report Q3 2023

HVCA Investment Monitoring Report Q3 2023

(287KB | pdf)


Number of transactions:26
Number of divestments: 39
Total capital invested: HUF 16 067 million


 HVCA Investment Monitoring Report Q2 2023

HVCA Investment Monitoring Report Q2 2023

(285KB | pdf)

Number of closed transactions: 26
Number of divestments: 34
Total capital invested: HUF 7 829 million


HVCA Investment Monitoring Report Q1 2023

HVCA Investment Monitoring Report Q1 2023

(309KB | pdf)

Number of trnasactions: 25
Number of divestments: 29
Totalcapital invested: HUF 3546 million
Top three most active industries (by value):
1) Consumer Goods & Retail
2) Business & Industrial Services
3) Consumer Services


HVCA Statisztikák 2022

Investment Monitoring Report FY 2022

Investment Monitoring Report FY 2022

(426KB | pdf)

Number of Investments: 184
Total Capital Invested: 250,2 (million EUR)
Number of Divestments: 36
Total Divestments Value: 277,4 (million EUR)
Total Fundraising Value: 69,9 (million EUR)


Investment Monitoring Report Q3 2022

Investment Monitoring Report Q3 2022

(299KB | pdf)

Highlights Q3 2022

Number of closed transactions 31
• Number of divestments 26
•Total capital invested HUF 12 712 million
•Top three most active industries (by value)
1. Business industrial services
2. Real estate
3. Consumer services


Investment Monitoring Report Q1 2022

Investment Monitoring Report Q1 2022

(279KB | pdf)

Higlights Q1 2022
Number of closed transactions: 31
Number of divestments: 26
Total capital invested: HUF 8.102 Million


HVCA Statisztikák 2021

Investment Monitoring Riport FY2021

Investment Monitoring Riport FY2021

(526KB | pdf)

Highlights 2021 (Market statistics)

Number of investments: 241
Total capital invested (million EUR): 225.03
Number of divestments: 41
Total divestments value (million EUR): 40.3
Total fundraising value (million EUR):465.9


Investment Monitoring report Q3 2021

Investment Monitoring report Q3 2021

(304KB | pdf)

Highlights -Q3 2021
Number of closed transactions: 53
Number of divestments: 49
Total capital invested: HUF 15,799 million
Top three most active industries (by value):
1. Real estate
2. Business & industrial services
3. Construction


Investment monitoring riport Q2 2021

Investment monitoring riport Q2 2021

(360KB | pdf)

Highlights - Q2 2021

Number of closed transactions: 34
Number of divestments: 43
Total capital invested: HUF 10.299 million
Top three most active industries (by value):
  1. Consumer goods & retail
  2. Business and industrial services
  3. Consumer services



Investment Monitoring report Q1 2021

Investment Monitoring report Q1 2021

(358KB | pdf)

Highlights: Q1 2021
Number of closed transactions: 27
Number of divestments: 35
Total capital invested: HUF 9,514 million
Top three most active industries (by value):
Business & industrial services
Consumer goods & retail
Consumer services


HVCA Statisztikák 2020

Investment Monitoring Riport Q3 2020

Investment Monitoring Riport Q3 2020

(275KB | pdf)

Highlights – Q3 2020
• Number of closed transactions: 44
• Number of divestments: 17
• Total capital invested: HUF 9,956 million
• Top three most active industries (by value):
1. Business & industrial services
2. Business & industrial products
3. Transportation


Investment Monitoring Report Q2 2020

Investment Monitoring Report Q2 2020

(271KB | pdf)

Highlights – Q2 2020
• Number of closed transactions: 35
• Number of divestments: 17
• Total capital invested: HUF 6,429 million
• Top three most active industries (by value):
1. Business & industrial services
2. Computer & consumer electronics
3. Business & industrial products


Investment Monitoring riport Q1 - Venture Capital and Private Equity update Hungary Q1 2020

Investment Monitoring riport Q1 - Venture Capital and Private Equity update Hungary Q1 2020

(321KB | pdf)

The following is an analysis of data provided by the members of the Hungarian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association and collected from public sources in order to present venture capital and private equity activity in Q1 2020 Investments in Q1 2020 were executed by 7 funds that are managed by 5 fund managers.


HVCA Statisztikák 2019

Investment Monitoring Report FY2019

Investment Monitoring Report FY2019

(425KB | pdf)

Higlights 2019
Number of investments: 198
Total capital invested (million EUR): 136
Number of divestments: 16
Total divestment value (million EUR): 7.8
Total Fundraising values (milliom EUR): 619.3


Investment Monitoring Report Q3 2019

Investment Monitoring Report Q3 2019

(321KB | pdf)

The following is an analysis of data provided by the members of the Hungarian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association and collected from public sources in order to present venture capital and private equity activity in Q3 2019. Investments in Q3 2019 were executed by 13 funds that are managed by 7 fund managers.


Investment Monitoring Riport Q2 2019

Investment Monitoring Riport Q2 2019

(285KB | pdf)

The following is an analysis of data provided by the members of the Hungarian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association and collected from public sources in order to present venture capital and private equity activity in Q2 2019. Investments in Q2 2019 were executed by 12 funds that are managed by 8 fund managers.

Highlights Q2 2019
Number of closed transactions: 49
Number of divestments: 21
Total capital invested: HUF 14,285 million
Top three most active industries (by value):
Chemicals & Materials
Energy & environment
Business & industrial services


Investment Monitoring Report Q1 2019

Investment Monitoring Report Q1 2019

(327KB | pdf)

Highlights: Number of closed transactions: 50 (out of which, 46 were closed by VCs) • Number of divestments: 18 • Total capital invested: HUF 6,581 million • Top three most active industries (by value): 1. Business & industrial services 2. Financial services 3. Life sciences


HVCA Statisztikák 2018

Investment Monitoring Report FY2018

Investment Monitoring Report FY2018

(684KB | pdf)

We are happy to announce the fifth edition of the annual Investment Monitoring Report that is an analysis of the Hungarian Venture Capital and Private Equity market’s performance in 2018 prepared by the Hungarian Venture Capital Association in collaboration with EY. The data was provided by the European Data Cooperative (EDC) platform of Invest Europe to present investments, divestments and fundraising activities in the venture capital and private equity space in 2018. Please note that investment amounts are reported based on equity values (leveraged amounts are not included) and we present two approaches separated by Invest Europe: market statistics, which reports investments received by Hungarian companies from foreign or local investors and industry statistics, which represents investments made by Hungarian investors either in Hungary or abroad


Investment Monitoring Report Q2 2018

Investment Monitoring Report Q2 2018

(658KB | pdf)

The following is an analysis of data provided by the members of the Hungarian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association and collected from public sources in order to present venture capital and private equity activity in Q2 2018. Investments in Q2 2018 were executed by 5 funds that are managed by 3 fund manager.


Investment Monitoring Report Q1 2018

Investment Monitoring Report Q1 2018

(624KB | pdf)

The following is an analysis of data provided by the members of the Hungarian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association and collected from public sources in order to present venture capital and private equity activity in Q1 2018. Investments in Q1 2018 were executed by 3 funds that are managed by 1 government related fund manager.


HVCA Statisztikák 2017

Investment Monitoring Report FY2017

Investment Monitoring Report FY2017

(335KB | pdf)

We are happy to announce the fourth edition of the annual Investment Monitoring Report that is an analysis of the Hungarian Venture Capital and Private Equity market’s performance in 2017 prepared by the Hungarian Venture Capital Association in collaboration with EY.
The data was provided by the European Data Cooperative (EDC) platform of Invest Europe to present investments, divestments and fundraising activities in the venture capital and private equity space in 2017.


HVCA Statisztikák 2016

HVCA Statisztikák 2015

HVCA Statisztikák 2014

Invest Europe Statisztikák

Central & Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics 2023

Central & Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics 2023

(2.9MB | pdf)

2023-ban a kelet-közép-európai kiszállások értéke 935 millió euróra emelkedett, jelezve a szakmai vállalatfelvásárlók bizalmának javulását
• A kiszállások a 2022. évi alacsony szinthez képest 17%-kal emelkedtek, s szakmai felvásárlóknak történő vállalateladások tették ki a kiszállások értékének kétharmadát
• A kivásárlások értéke 40%-kal növekedve elérte az 1 milliárd eurós szintet, míg a tőkebefektetések és a tőkegyűjtés értéke általánosan visszaesett
Az európai kockázati- és magántőke, valamint infrastruktúra szektort és befektetőit képviselő Invest Europe szervezet közzétette a 2023 Central & Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics című jelentését, amely a kockázati- és magántőke ágazat Kelet-Közép-Európában végzett tőkegyűjtési, befektetési és kiszállási tevékenységről készített legátfogóbb elemzés. A Gide Loyrette Nouel jogi céggel együttműködésben készített jelentés a 2022-ben elért alacsonyabb összeghez képest a kiszállások fellendülését, továbbá a szakmai felvásárlók bizalmának javulását jelzi a kockázati- és magántőke-befektetők által felépített cégek ellenállóképessége és potenciális lehetőségei terén.
• A kiszállások értéke 17%-kal, 935 millió euró értékűre emelkedett 2023-ban, az év során a kockázati- és magántőke befektetők 98 vállalatból léptek ki. A szakmai felvásárlóknak történő eladások adták a kiszállások darabszámának 67%-át, aláhúzva a stratégiai befektetők meggyőződését, hogy a kockázati- és magántőke hátterű cégek növekedésre képesek, meg tudnak birkózni a jelentős piaci kihívásokkal.
• A kivásárlások értéke 40%-kal, 979 millió euróra emelkedett 2022-höz viszonyítva, azonban az összes befektetés értéke 1,71 milliárd euróra csökkent, miután a növekedési tőkét igénylő, és a kockázati szakaszban tartó cégekbe történt befektetések visszaestek. A finanszírozott cégek száma közel 19%-kal, 493-ra szűkült, ami a kockázati tőke befektetési fordulóinak visszaesését tükrözi.
• Az év során gyűjtött tőke értéke 818 millió euróra esett vissza. A tőke legnagyobb hányada a kelet-közép-európai régión kívüli európai befektetőktől érkezett, ez adta az összes gyűjtött tőke 40%-át, s ezzel aránya meghaladta az elmúlt öt év során átlagosan mért 31%-ot. Az Európán kívüli befektetőktől érkező emelkedő források képviselték az összes forrásgyűjtés 21%-át, ami 2022-höz képest 9%-os növekedést takar.


Investing in Europe: Private Equity Activity 2023

Investing in Europe: Private Equity Activity 2023

(6.1MB | pdf)

Toplines include:
Private equity, growth and venture capital firms raised €133 billion in incremental funds in 2023, down on 2022’s exceptional result of €195 billion, but nonetheless the third highest total for European capital raising and well ahead of pre-COVID levels. Buyout funds raised €95 billion, 5% above the average of the last five years, while growth funds gathered €17 billion, and venture capital funds raised €14 billion.
A total of €100 billion was invested into 8,391 companies, down on the highs of 2021 and 2022, but in line with pre-COVID activity and the fourth year out of the last five in which the industry has invested €100 billion or more. Buyout investment totalled €63 billion, driven by investment into medium-sized companies. Venture capital investment decelerated to €13 billion yet remained ahead of pre-pandemic levels.


Investing in Europe: Private Equity Activity 2022

Investing in Europe: Private Equity Activity 2022

(4.4MB | pdf)

Invest Europe - Annual activity statistics
Investing in Europe: Private Equity activity 2022- the most comprehensive and authoritative source of fundraising, investment, and divestment data, covering over 1,750 firms


2021 Central  & Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics

2021 Central & Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics

(1.1MB | pdf)

Private equity invests in record 672 CEE companies in 2021
as new investment hits all time high.

• Private equity and venture capital invested €4.15 billion in equity in CEE companies in 2021, a new record for the region.
• 38.5% of capital was invested in the ICT segment.
Venture capital and growth investing drove the increase in investment levels:
• A record 541 companies receiving €659 million in VC funding.
• 90 businesses receiving €1.8 billion in growth investment, quadrupling 2020’s levels


Invest Europe - Private Equity Activity 2021

Invest Europe - Private Equity Activity 2021

(3.7MB | pdf)

Statistics on Fundraising, Investments & Divestments


Invest Europe - 2019 Central and Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics

Invest Europe - 2019 Central and Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics

(1.4MB | pdf)

This report was compiled with the help of Invest Europe’s Central and Eastern Europe Task Force It provides annual activity statistics for the private equity and venture capital markets of Central and Eastern Europe ( in 2019 and prior years


Investing in Europe - Private Equity Activity 2019

Investing in Europe - Private Equity Activity 2019

(4.3MB | pdf)

Private equity’s mainstream position within the European economy must also yield an understanding and recognition of our critical role in safeguarding Europe’s long-term future…
