Press Release

Press Release

Wed, April 10, 2024

Wolf Theiss advises BKM Budapest Public Utilities on consolidating 100% ownership of public lighting in Budapest

Budapest, 9 April 2024 - BKM Budapest Public Utilities Nonprofit Plc. will acquire E.ON Hungária Plc.'s 50% stake in BDK Budapest Decorative and Public Lighting Ltd.

Wolf Theiss is acting as the buy-side legal advisor to Budapest's public utilities company in the transaction, which will result in the Municipality of Budapest obtaining 100% ownership of the company responsible for the decorative and public lighting of Budapest until 31 December 2024.

BDK was previously jointly owned 50-50% by the Municipality of Budapest and E.ON. Through the acquisition of E.ON's stake in the company, the city's public and decorative lighting will have a single owner, thus ensuring higher quality, along with more modern and cheaper lighting in Hungary's capital.

The Wolf Theiss team advising on the transaction included Norbert Bálint (Counsel, Corporate/M&A), Zoltán Bódog (Senior Associate, Corporate/M&A) and Réka Deák (Associate, Corporate/M&A). Wolf Theiss was responsible for advising on all legal and regulatory aspects of the transaction, in particular the structuring of the transaction and the drafting and negotiation of all the necessary transaction documents.



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Founded in 1957, Wolf Theiss is one of the leading law firms in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CEE/SEE). We have built our reputation on unrivalled local knowledge which is supported by strong international capabilities. With more than 390 lawyers in 13 countries, over 80% of the firm's work involves cross-border representation of international clients.

Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine, Wolf Theiss represents local and international industrial, trade and service companies, as well as banks and insurance companies. Combining law and business, Wolf Theiss develops comprehensive and constructive solutions on the basis of legal, fiscal and business know-how.

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