0100 Conference Vienna 2018
Partner 2018 02 15 Vienna
0100 Conference Vienna 2018
“Where Western and Eastern European Investors Meet”
Date: February 15th, 2018
Venue: Hilton Vienna (Am Stadtpark 1, 1030 Wien, Austria)
One day event dedicated to the private equity industry covering from venture capital, growth capital to buyouts, and secondaries. Its main idea is to bridge West & East European Private Equity ecosystems. Come and meet top tier 60+ speakers and 300+ high profile attendees; leading VC/PE fund partners, family offices, business angels, fund of funds, pension funds, and sovereign funds.
Check out an amazing line-up of speakers who will be sharing their wealth of knowledge on interesting topics ranging from Unicorn Creators, Value Creation – Buy & Build, First-time VC funds, LP Perspectives on the Emerging Market, InsurTech, and many more : http://www.0100conferences.com/15-feb-2018-vienna-2018.html
HVCA members are entitled to 20% discounts to the event.
Register here to claim your 20% discounts with the promo code : X20HVCAX